We are Tech Enthusiasts! We don’t just love technology. We also exchange opinions, ideas, lessons, product reviews, etc.. Basically, writing about what we love comes natural. Join the conversation!

  • Being Mindful of Technology: Checklist on When to Upgrade

    It is easy for many technology enthusiasts to get excited about the newest iteration of products that are offered by their favorite tech manufacturers. Every year, dollars are spent on upgrading their still useable devices. Here are some justifications that most people use to explain why they buy these newer products:

    1. They bring value.
    2. They bring contentment.
    3. I need to replace my old device

    On this post, I will share my curated checklist from various sources regarding when it is O.K. to upgrade your devices. Read on!

  • Tech is Supposed to Stretch Time

    Technology can save us time. As devices get faster, users are able to multitask, automate, and work anywhere. What is interesting is that most use the extra time they gain doing lots of time-wasting activities. There is nothing wrong with taking leisure time away from work every now and then. It is healthy to let our brain recover from the fast paced demands of our modern society. Are you one of those who end up piling up their TTD (Things To Do) list despite having the best tools available to help complete these tasks?