It is easy for many technology enthusiasts to get excited about the newest iteration of products that are offered by their favorite tech manufacturers. Every year, dollars are spent on upgrading their still useable devices. Here are some justifications that most people use to explain why they buy these newer products:

  1. They bring value.
  2. They bring contentment.
  3. I need to replace my old device

On this post, I will share my curated checklist from various sources regarding when it is O.K. to upgrade your devices. Read on!

Technology Brings Value:

They are supposed to add value, but why do most tech products depreciate in value the moment they are taken out of the box or driven out of a car lot.

Technology Brings Contentment:

Most are marketed as “all you will ever need”, but why is it hard to be contented and easy to want the upgraded version of these products? Do they really offer better features? Have we ever exhausted the use of the existing features on the devices we already have? Why is it easy to disregard a completely usable product just because an upgrade comes along?

Need for Upgrades: